Castelli's painting is thought, cultured, it needs to be cultivated, assimilated during the time in order to be understood and appreciated.

In the last years his paintings begin to represent less and less of the  external world, and more and more of the inner world and the unconscious.
He begins the cycle of bizarre objects, with analytical references to the theories of the mind and the bizarre objects  of Bion. Fragments of things, emotions and thoughts, that are not still structured, but carrying  still an incomplete meaning, not known jet, enter in scene occupying the painted space and are projected  on the canvas, they like  “pittogrammi” of a narration still to complete. Anomalous objects, spaceships, diamonds, hourglasses, containers of “no things” and scattered things, coffee beans, grinders, plows, archaic objects  with their hardness and simplicity, they express  force and energy.
The cycles of the “White and Black” and the cycle of the “Abstract and  Changing Landscapes” are full of colours, movements and energy. The spontaneity of the gesture is united  with the suspension of the images, like a shot, where bizarre objects , fragments of things are  represented  on the canvas, before catching up the thoroughness of the entire objects.


Been born the 11 Decembers 1957 to Venice, currently alive cities where. 
It studies to the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice and Bologna, where it is moved in 1980. Between years 80 and 90 it lives between Rome and Bologna, where it attends literary artistic atmospheres.
Years ' 90 it returns living to Venice. It begins to be interested of analysis and rappresentazione of the dreams. Some its paintings become manifest and covered some of books of mitologico and psychological character.
In the ' 94 it begins the job dedicated to the rappresentazione of objects. Objects of house, relatives, lamps, closets, chairs, objects that become silent depositaries in the time of history, of the memories of the house in which they live.

1995. It begins the cycle of the "Walls Scratches to you"

1996.I first jobs on the objects of house and the walls scratch come exposed near the Gallery Meeting di Mestre- Venice di to you Gianni Frezzato, gallerista of Saetti, Music, Finzi. It exposes in Belgium to the extension Art Now to Brussels and in Spain to the extension Italy Art to Barcelona.

1997. Personal extension near the Gallery Bugno and Samueli of Venice from the title it "Where the object ends". It exposes in France to the Everarts gallery of Paris. It participates to the fairs of art of Padova and Pordenone. Its pictures come proposals of television reviews to cure of the gallery Box Art di Tiene.

1998. It exposes on purpose to 1° Biennial of Contemporary Art of Trevi(PG) near the Flash Art Museum Participation the Fair of Padova Personal Extension near the House of the Provveditori Veneti di Gradisca d' Isonzo(Gorizia). The exposure of the pictures representatives the objects, comes accompanied from short phrases or poetici fragments that offer possible readings of how much come represented. It participates to the fairs of art of Padova, Pordenone, Vicenza with the gallery Point Art of La Spezia. It exposes lo Milan nera Spazio Giacobbe.

1999. New pittorica phase elaborates one. In progressing of the job the objects become more and more essential. The volumes appiattiscono, the shapes come as cut to represent fragments, partial objects, that they leave the spectator the task to project to you from lacking part. Objects that become geometric shapes, colors, than to second of the disposition in the space, create between they relations, contrasts, tensions.

2000. Personal extension near the Gallery Bookcase Two Wheels of Vicenza, directed from writer Virgilio Scapin from the title it "Object nearly". The extension introduces a distance parallel between the artist job on the objects and the book of the writer, prize Nobel, Josè Saramago "Object nearly".
The exposure comes accompanied from a teatrale performance in which actors remain brani features of the Saramago text in a scenico distance between the pictures representatives of objects. The extension performance comes introduced also Pordenone near the Gallery of the Grigoletti. Fair of Padova and Expo Jesolo 2000 participates on purpose to the art. Dedication to a cycle on Venice, one Venice much staff, composed of volumes and colors, islands and bell towers, matured after years in one unmistakable style. Personal extension near the Polin gallery of Treviso, in which they come exposed for before the time also pictures of the dedicated cycle to Venice. Personal extension near the Polin gallery of Treviso, where they come exposed is the cycle of objects, is the cycle of the Venice.

2001. Personal extension near of the gallery the Roggia di Conegliano, specialized in the Spazialisti Veneti. Fair of Padova and Expo Jesolo 2001 participates on purpose to the art. It begins to work in the River study Will hold of the Health, neighbor to the studies of Vedova and Pizzinato, silent zone of Venice, between the Halls of Knows them, Tip of Customs and Gugghenaim Collection.

2002. It begins the experience to Venice of a group of veneziani artists and foreign that is found constantly, introducing the own ones work uni to the others the group is classified single artists, is born from the idea to share the experience of just the job between par. To the group artists of every nationality participate, that they journey for Venice in occasion of their exposures near galleries or the Biennial one. Personal extension near the gallery Norcenni Villa to Figline Val D' Arno (Florence). It exposes to the fair of art of Salisburgo in Austria. Its job collects interests and consents. Fair of Padova and Pordenone participates to the art.

2003.Mostra personal near the gallery space art of Cristina Rovieri to Perugia, where it enters in contact with the cultural and artistic atmosphere of the city. It begins the job on the coffee pots. Giant coffee pots that become personificazioni of rituali aspects. Rewarded to the Arteggevolution review near Castle of Godego (Treviso) review to Bassano(Vicenza) near the Niselli gallery Participates to one. Fair of Padova participates to the art. It participates to Contemporary of Forlì.

2004. Personal extension near the Gallery Roar of Saint Donà di Piave, where they come exposed the first coffee pots. Its painting begins is made tied less and less to the rappresentazione of the external world, and more and more correlated to the rappresentazione of the inner world and the unconscious one. It begins the cycle of objects bizzarri with analytical references us the theories of the mind and the objects bizzarri of Bion. Fragments of things, emotions and thoughts still not structured, but cargos of mean to you incompiuti, still to know, enter in scene occupying the pittorico space and come project to you on the burlap to represent like weaving of pittogrammi of one narration still to complete. Anomalous spaceships, diamonds, hourglasses, objects, containers not things and dispersed things, chicchi of coffee, grinders, plows, objects I arched to us and with their crudezza and semplicità, they express meant force and. 2005. It works to a cycle of paintings inspired to "the book of the restlessness" of Ferdinand Pessoa.

2006. The cycle on the Giant Coffee pots comes exposed to Milan near the gallery the Literary Coffee. Fair of Padova and Longarone(Belluno) with the Polin gallery participates of art art of Treviso. It begins Cycle of the White men and Black and the Cycle of the Abstract Landscapes and the Changing Landscapes. Colorful cycle loaded with movements and energy, in which the spontaneità of the gesture is come to an agreement with the suspension of the images, photographed like in an instantaneous one where objects bizzarri, fragments of things come represent to you on the burlap, before catching up the thoroughness the entire objects